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Sic Semper Tyrannnis

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Executive Dictatorship



Introduction to updated article.  Now that SCOTUS has done the unthinkable again, even in light of the ever growing and overwhelming proof of Nov 3 systemic election fraud, we may soon be living in an Executive Dictatorship in a Post Christian America.    Our remaining hope rides on a captured Congress or our States to do something to get rid of the “machines” that took over our elections, and America. Since Congress has already gone Fascio-Communist, not even able to bring up impeachment charges for Biden for his never ending attacks on our Constitution, Christians and other Citizens exercising 1A rights,  it seems up to the States to set us free with the only thing more important than our United States Constitution – fair elections. And, NO machines. Otherwise, the consequences will be devestating, as noted below.

What follows in this article is not etched in stone. It’s what could happen if we allow things to continue unchecked.

The Leftists running the Democrat Party may be planning on how they can achieve an outright Dictatorship – even when the Legislature is Conservative or “Republican”

Lionel Mandrake

If the Uniparty coup continues to occupy the White House with the November 2024 Presidential election, the final nail could occur sometime during the next administration when one of the  “Conservatives”  leaving SCOTUS will be replaced.  Then, regardless of legislative wins for Conservatives, the administration can dictate our lives (and loss of Liberty) by Executive Order (EO) that will be ruled Constitutional if Judicially reviewed – every time.

Here is a look at our current SCOTUS:

The Executive Order. Executive Orders are not specified in the United States Constitution but they have been upheld judicially for hundreds of years as a proper way for a President to exercise authority. It all started in 1795.

George Washington issued the first Executive Order.  Here it is:

For this purpose I wish to receive in writing such a clear account of the Department at the head of which you have been, as may be sufficient (without overburdening or confusing a mind which has very many objects to claim its attention at the same instant) to impress me with a full, precise & distinct general idea of the United States, so far as they are comprehended in, or connected with that Department.

This was a simple administrative order requiring his agencies to submit annual reports. No biggie. His next EO was a proclamation for Thanksgiving Day which he sent to all State Governors.  Another minimalist decree.  

Over the years, the ever expanding administrative government has gone berserk on EOs (nearly 14,000 issued) creating policy and law that Congress should have approved legislatively.    Historically, these edicts happened because of actual crises or emergencies (mostly) requiring government action that couldn’t wait for the typically slow moving legislative process.

A President’s power should be vested only in his massive political import as head of his Party, his Cabinet picks to create an Administration and the power to Veto the bills and laws of Congress. And, act as Commander in Chief during War. That’s a lot of power, but that’s about it. We never wanted a King or a Nation by decree.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.  There have been a few good EOs over the years but many were quite awful. Bad examples include Lincoln’s suspension of Habeas Corpus during the Civil War (of which the Press of the day called him a Tyrant), Roosevelt’s internment of 120,000 Japanese in Prison Camps, Truman’s taking over Steel Mills (overturned) and virtually every EO from our current administration. 


Fast Forward – January 20, 2021.

Biden signed 17 Executive Orders on Day 1 of his Administration. Here is one:

Executive Order 13985. According to the order, converging economic, health, and climate crises have exposed and exacerbated inequities. The order, therefore, announces that the Biden administration will pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, in particular by fighting systemic racism

The above is just one example of how far we have moved from the “original intent” of simple administrative actions to massive policy changes affecting the lives of all American Citizens.

Biden’s edict is exactly opposite of what an EO should be. It is policy and law that involves no actual emergency.  Not to mention there is no such thing as the made up Leftist phrase “systemic racism”. 

What has been exposed about the New Corporate America (otherwise called “Woke” Corporations) is that the large, public corporations in a Fascist state will follow edicts of Government that are designed for Government – for themselves. It’s a Government proxy to affect the majority of our working population. It informs them on who to hire, what speech is allowable, which charitable organizations employees can contribute to and what rules to have regarding vaccinations. Corporate America can do this as long as they don’t run afoul of Civil Rights laws that, for now, have some greatly watered down protections for religious freedom.

They can fire people they don’t like, for say “political reasons”, as most States enforce “employment at will” statutes that protect nobody other than those hired on contract.

The heads of the largest companies, nearly without exception, know that unless they follow suit for mask and vaccine mandates that are meant specifically for the public sector, they will be outliers. And, you don’t want to be isolated from the Government teat. If you promote individual and Religious Liberty, that will mean no Government contracts and no stock market support by near zero interest rates and direct stock purchases by the Central Banks with taxpayer money. 

A Government EO has effects running far and wide that will last a minimum of one term, maybe two or three.   Or 10. 

It supersedes anything that a State may have in place or try to do, i.e. until the next opposing President revokes the offending EO, which is done all the time in an insane game of cat and mouse. But not if the Deep State stays in power by hook or by crook.

When Elections are controlled by one Party or another, it’s a Brave New World where no Tyrannical  EOs will be revoked. 

Health Effects. Against all known biological science that showed that anything other than an self-contained breathing apparatus or living inside a Bio Safety Level 4 room can prevent inhalation of something as small as a .10 micron Coronavirus, one of Biden’s first EOs was to require face masks on Federal Property.    So what you say?

An EO health edict without even a valid public scientific consensus from objective scientists not on government payroll can do very harmful things to people. 

This can easily lead to an EO, after a “progressive” change in the Supreme Court, for a WHO sponsored mandatory vaccination program with non-compliant belligerents placed in CDC Green Camps? 2

Ready Set Go.    In his first 100 days in office, Biden signed more than 60 executive actions, 24 of which are direct reversals of Trump’s policies. When Josef Biden took office he had over 50 EO’s already drafted and ready to go. It’s almost as if they already knew who was going to win? Here is a brief Biden list of just what was done on Day 1 of his Administration.

Stoke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda cool.

Paul Begala, Clinton Advisor on Executive Orders (1998).

Political Takeover by Executive Order.  We have nearly 12M illegal aliens that have entered America since Biden took the Presidency. An EO giving illegal non-citizens the vote seems glaringly unconstitutional, even for a stolen SCOTUS. But it doesn’t matter. Why?  

They play chess, we play checkers.

Biden’s puppet masters have that covered when they issued an EO reversing Trumps order that prevented illegal aliens to be included in the US Census.  That action increased their control of Congress by increasing House representation in the largely Democrat areas where most of the illegals have been placed.   This means more electoral votes in places like California, Nevada, Arizona,  New York and New Jersey. 

Additionally, Biden revoked funding of the Border Wall by Executive Order on Day 1 of his administration. He did this by simply declaring there was no immigration emergency by revoking Trumps actual emergency which is now – a crises. 

That’s the insanity of Executive Orders.

They can’t do that! Just stop them!!   Not so fast.  An EO edict to make either our Nation – or YOU – do X or Y cannot be stopped by Congress, even by a supermajority vote.  If a Tyrannical party stays in power with election “discrepancies” they can not only put a puppet in the White House, but they can and will target Senate control races to assure they also have the power to confirm anybody the Deep State wants. The House of Representatives will be impotent in the grand scheme.

Well,  you say, Congress can still sue and have SCOTUS perform a judicial review on the “constitutionality” of the edict.  However, If SCOTUS is controlled by a never ending Marxist administration via election controls, all such edicts will be ruled constitutional by a fixed court, i.e. law of the land.

Unless we do something to stop the plan, this is what could be law of the land:

  1. Executive Order 14252. Elimination of fossil fuel motor vehicles.
  2. Executive Order 14253. Nationwide Reparations/Tax.
  3. Executive Order 14254. National Vaccine Program.
  4. Executive Order 14255. Domestic Terrorist Gun Confiscation 1
  5. Executive Order 14256. Freedom from Religion crises. 
  6. Executive Order 14257.  Hate speech prevention, public and  private. 
  7. Executive Order 14258.  Safe and Secure Currency. 

I am not an attorney, but probably know more about the Constitution than Barack Hussein Obama who claims he was a Constitutional Law Professor at the University of Chicago.  Even without a formal legal backrgound (I did train underwriters in Products Liability), I know legal BS when I see it. 

RASCOE (PBS): Like, is an executive order a presidential flex, or does it depend on what the order is?

VLADECK: Sure. I mean, it’s a little bit of both. So, you know, executive orders are basically the way through which presidents create rules that bind themselves, that bind folks within the executive branch, based on how the president and his subordinates are interpreting statutes, based on, basically, how they’re understanding the authorities that Congress has given to the executive branch.

PBS Weekend Edition March 2024

Say what?

Why on Earth could we have given that kind of power to the President?

The Founders never put the Executive Order in the Constitution – WE did.

All you need are (1) controlled elections and (2) a SCOTUS in your pocket and it’s a done deal. This is how Executive Orders become a path to Dictatorship.

This is why of our 3 “co-equal” branches, the Judiciary is actually the most powerful as they have the power to give us a Dictatorship via Executive Order, or take it away.

The Fix.    We need to eliminate the Executive Order.   It has never been in the Constitution, albeit one of the longest standing judicial precedents there is.  It’s an anachronism from a time gone by when there was a proper time and place for it.    Today, there is virtually no situation where Congress would not be able to vote electronically and immediately to deal with a real emergency, not even requiring a physical presence in Congress.  

If not eliminated outright (granted, a tall but necessary order) by Amendments or other means, it must pass a simple 2-prong Judicial test:

  1. The order must deal with an actual emergency that is sudden and accidental.
  2. It must be Constitutional.

What the founders and early SCOTUS never figured on was that you can takeover America, leaving the USC in place (as a relic), and rule the Nation as a Monarchy if you have controlled elections and Presidential dictates via EO that will be nearly impossible to stop.

Our Future? What you have read is merely a hypothetical of what could happen when you have control of elections.   You get a government run directly by a President.   This is why I have felt that until elections are fixed, nothing else matters.   Nothing.

Not the Border issue, not the Bioweapon/Warp Speed Genocide issue or even the illegal monopoly and racket Legacy MSM issue.

And then Miss Liberty, it’s been nice to know you.


 1 This possible EO directly contradicts the 2nd Amendment and would likely be overruled as “unconstitutional” by every SCOTUS in US History – except a court that is not that much different that today’s SCOTUS.

2 This link worked until the CDC removed their document on creating “Green Camps” to house the unvaccinated. It is provided so that we remember what is lurking under the covers if the EO/Election Control plan proceeds without a defense.


The people that are ruling our world are certifiably insane by any objective measure.   That they also want to rule over your life should make you slightly edgy.

Every human that came before us would run from these people as fast as they can.  Never was there a time like the present where the “Inmates are Running the Asylum”.

A reporter named Breanna Morello was looking for a new Doctor and was asked to complete this form prior to her introductory appointment.    She cancelled. 


That’s the kind of “cancellation” that we should be doing every day in our lives.  Here is a starter list:

  • Big Banks (esp BOA)  and Insurance Companies pushing DEI/ESG
  • Amazon/Disney/Chick-fi-La
  • MDs and others in our Healthocracy that no longer understand biology
  • Political Candidates from the two major parties
  • Corporate America generally, especially divesting investments in index funds holding their stocks which makes the executive team richer and more powerful via incentive based awards for stock performance – and going Far Left. 

The loss of reason (for some of us) started in the Godless public schools that a few of you still send your kids to – and then College – and wonder why your own offspring end up hating you for voting for Trump or believing in something crazy called Male and Female.

Some say the public insanity that surrounds us from Climate nonsense to active promotion of mental illness (e.g. Gender Dysphoria) is nothing new, but simply something brewing undercover until it became perfectly OK to a captured Legacy Media to expose it all.  As perfectly normal.

So, in 2024 you not only won’t be called out for being crazy, you get Communist brownie points for helping to destroy the family. Maybe even a bump in your ESG score.

This does have a common and somewhat Satanic denominator – it’s a thumb in the eye of God’s handiwork by people that either don’t believe in God (but still rail against Him if the time is right) or hate Him because they don’t always get their prayers answered in their chosen timeframe.

What’s Going On? All this craziness in human beings comes from a complication of things, largely growing Atheism in America and a lack of adults in the room to just say:

“Whoa there!  Let’s not go so far off the rails laid down by our parents and the countless generations that came before them and fought for our Liberties.  Liberties to politefully and respectfully disagree without financial cancellation and College lockdowns in saferooms to stem the horrific tide of fact based cognitive dissonance in brainwashed young people.”

Garcia de Malones

In short, when the powers that be in the Legacy MSM can either change or no longer come to the defense of the normative rules of humanity that have done us well over the centuries we are through as a Nation.  Progress is not moving forward in the wrong direction.   As for my personal motivations, I just can’t let people die in vain that fought for the Liberties we all enjoy.  What little remains, anyway.

Ronald Reagan talked about our solemn vow to these people in his first inaugural address on January 20, 1981, which bears repeating for us and our successors:

“Their lives ended in places called Belleau Wood, The Argonne, Omaha Beach, Salerno, and halfway around the world on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Pork Chop Hill, the Chosin Reservoir, and in a hundred rice paddies and jungles of a place called Vietnam.”

Most of these Patriots fought for our Judeo-Christian values in the classroom they grew up in which hurt nobody, including even the majority of Atheists who even supported those values because they made sense in a free society. 

You don’t have to believe in God to recognize the advantage of instilling those values in a Democratic Republic so people don’t run amuck or,  much worse, go literally insane when “anything goes”.

All it takes is one God denying (or hating) Atheist to claim discrimination under the Fourteenth Amendment at SCOTUS and our world goes upside down.   Then, we are on Ozzie Smith’s Crazy Train.

Having no Fear of God can lead to bad things, like Doctors that wake up one day and can’t remember their Biology 101 class in High School.

When people cease to believe in God, they do not then believe in nothing, but in anything.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

When medical Doctors no longer believe in biology and say little boys can be little girls in public regardless of what’s between their legs without embarrassment or humiliation, they truly do believe in anything.

Certifiable insanity, now bordering on child abuse by Pediatricians, is now the defining characteristic of many of our politicians, Legacy Media and Doctors that once believed it is not a good thing to support mental illness because that can lead to physical illness and suicide.

Pawns of Death.   Beyond our Biological crazy, we have one more prime example of total lunacy – Climate Change, Global Warming or whatever other flavor of the day it masquerades in.  

Since it is indisputable that up to 10x more people die from cold temps than warm temps, and if very slightly rising temps keeps us out of an ice age, increasing tree canopies and food production worldwide, why would people want to lower temperatures even if they could – which is nearly impossible?   Even my do-gooder friends still in Minnnesota that complain about Cold winters and heating bills say yes to more Cold.   Is all this nonsense that approaches masochism or suicidal tendencies just a new form of Religious Altruism?    Not even close.

The people of the modern, post Christian Left are either homicidal maniacs or flat out insane.   They are members of the Climate Congregation.  And most all of them believe in Manginas. 

Worse, they vote (usually over and over) and are on the Boards of WHO and major US Corporations.   

Yes, these maniacs do want to run – and ruin – your finances and your life.

Maybe that’s exactly what our Healthocracy wants – more sick pawns relying on a Statist Government.   Not to mention many more dead people dying from hypothermia. 

Yet, here we are.

God help us.

And, forgive us.

Sic Semper Tyrannis


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Donald and Al have much in common.  Let’s compare and contrast the following:

We have the solutions. That’s what’s so frustrating. And they’re better. They’re cheaper. They can save the lives of 9 million people every single year that died because of the coal pollution for burning fossil fuels.

Al Gore (Inventor of the Internet) – Radio Davos March 2022


“I was able to get something approved that, you know, that has proven to have saved a lot of lives,” “Some people say that I saved 100 million lives worldwide.”

Donald J Trump (Father of the Vaccine) – SOTU response March 2024

I submit that after nearly 3 years of clear data from objective and reliable non Legacy Media sources that the Operation Warp Speed elixir has resulted in excess mortality on the order of 10-20% worldwide. This extrapolates into MILLIONS of dead bodies, going up every minute and every day via instant deaths, slow deaths and never ending miscarriages.  Trump may be faking more saved lives than our Inconvenient VP.

Mr. Trump, I have news for you. An unregulated FDA/Pharmaceutical Healthcare Complex will definitely increase the Dow Jones Industrial Average.  But you will do that as our Nation’s life expectancy dwindles year after year and Healthcare costs per capita continues into the stratosphere.  This is bankrupting America. 

It’s not all about money.  Money may not be the root of all evil, but it helps cultivate it.

The man’s ego is so monumentally large that it does good things like allowing him to stand up to and even relish the attacks by the Globalists. But the bad things it does have been much worse.

Like not knowing that he (inadvertently) and his administration were possibly the most important players behind worldwide genocide. That he doesn’t know that even now makes him a clear and present danger to all of us.

Even though I voted for Trump twice, I have come to the conclusion that Trump is as crazy as Gore. The man loves and worships money as much as Biden loves Fascism and Power. That is, assuming Biden has a small piece of brain left to love anything besides his vanilla pudding.

Would you vote for the man who not only thinks he invented the Internet but is saving millions or even billions of lives from Climate catastophe?   Well, here’s your morning wake up call.  Trump has exactly the same megalomaniacal complex.

Any man ruling over us with zero humility and unable to admit mistakes, on either side of the political spectrum, is a dangerous commodity – even if you agree with him on some issues.

If you think we have no other choice, there is an option. And, its the choice we must make because voting for Trump to “save us from the Deep State” is laughable considering the Deep State grew in power more during his administration than in any other Presidency in history. And, without any substantial pushback.

Oh, you say. But Trump, by allowing the Deep State to run so roughshod over our lives so visibly, even as they put good people in jail and keeping bad guys protected,  EXPOSED them for what they are!

Here is what I say to that argument:

The Better Choice. Only RFK Jr can save America from itself and our trajectory towards Civil War. Otherwise, it’s head we lose, tails we lose. Here is why…..

Trump wins – Chaos and Civil War 1

Biden wins – Chaos and Communism

Both sides are at a near boiling point and neither will accept the others victory. It may not be all out Civil War but it will make what happened during 2020 when the Communist paid BLM/Antifa movement burned down several cities look like a family squabble.

If you are conservative (or a true Liberal for that matter) you may hold your nose but it’s worth taking the chance on Kennedy.

Because as I said, the Bi-Polar options given to us by our Resetters are simply not going to work. That is, unless you want blood in the streets or Trump’s unregulated Woke Statist Corporations and a Healthocracy running on AI so they can boost earnings per share by firing a bunch of people. 

Read more about RFK Jr here.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

1 Some say that Trump can invoke Martial Law to deal with massive civil unrest. This may be unlikely given the Deep State (that will still exist all around him) may not obey his orders when the Info-Monopoly legacy media will say that he is an illegal dictator. He will have to invoke and utilize his rescinded Executive Order – which will have to be approved by SCOTUS – to get the Deep State in line.


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Donald Fail

Introduction.  As we gear up for another April 15 to pay our taxes while illegal non-taxpayers get loaded Debit cards from legal taxpayers, it is good to remember why nonprofits and Churches are dying a slow death (and it’s not all from more non-believers). 

This article will not go into the more visible disasters of his own creation like Operation Warp Speed which, regardless of what DJT says, has and continues to be the main reason for excess deaths ranging from 10-15% annually worldwide.  And, no Mr. Trump.  You have not “saved” billions of lives.  Maybe killed a few million or billion.  But saved?  I don’t think so.

Nor will I mention the strengthening of the Deep State by hiring operatives like the Junk Mail King Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, General Alexander Milley, William Barr, Christopher Wray and Steve Mnuchin.  That goes without saying.

I want to discuss something that nobody else is talking about.  Mr. Trump, are you listening?

Hint:   You are likely in the 90% that will not get a tax break for any of your donations to charitable causes like Churches, Synagogues, local food banks and community help organizations.  And, the guy next door who never donates to help others has been incentivized by Trump to do so. 

The Hit

In December 2017, Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was signed into law, representing the most significant tax code overhaul in over three decades.  It was designed by Steve Mnuchin (IRS reports to him at Treasury Department) and approved by President Trump. The goal was to nearly eliminate itemized deduction people and has been a resounding success.  They did this with a simply ploy – raise the standard deduction to such a level that nobody gets over the fence to get a charitable deduction.   The hurdle is so high that 90% of Americans simply take the standard deduction.

As a result of the TCJA, you need to have more than the standard deduction noted below to get a break. And, as if 90% of taxpayers that don’t itemize isn’t quite enough, they want to push that number even higher for 2023 tax year:

Prior to the new tax law change, nearly 1/3 of Americans itemized and took advantage of charitable deductions. After the IRS rule change of the Trump Administration, this dropped more by more than 300% to around 10% (all income groups).   Some people think that the itemizers will drop to only 5% of American taxpayers in just a few years.

While we cannot say how much of an effect that has had on a per capita basis, it is more than likely that the effect can only be a negative one for this plain economic fact:  you get less economic activity if you tax it.   

Situation Report. Charitable contributions have declined substantially. Whats taking up some of the massive slack? Liberal and Leftist giving to causes that are not exactly what Trump and his supporters have in mind.

The wealthy did get a lot wealthier in the last few years. Most of wealth transfer has been to Liberals and has been huge in the last few years (mainly Covid related Big Tech).   The charities they contribute to may not be in the best interest of America.  Like charities devoted to transgenderism and Climate Change and Black Lives and all that.

As for those charities that aren’t yet WOKE? Well, if they are to remain financially viable, they must move to the Left to keep getting the dough.  Just a WAG. As I have said many times before, the Left play Chess and we are at still at our Checkers game.

It remains a long standing fact about Americans that most don’t contribute to charity solely or even primarily for a tax deduction.  We are truly unique in the world on that front, especially the evangelicals in the South.   We contribute 7X more than the average European. But it does have an effect on even these people, hit hard by Covid nonsense and the poor economy.  This will likely continue to be a net negative for churches and other charities unless something is done to change our tax code. Over time, it will play havoc with religious organization funding already in the tank.

The Fix is In

The IRS Fix is killing already faltering Churches and good nonprofit organizations whose activities will be replaced by an ever more powerful government.   I hope and pray it is not the final nail because that would have horrific consequences for America, as if we need more consequences these days. 

As a result of yet one more Trump Deep State led debacle, if you are the typical American, you are now in the 90% that filed without getting credit for charitable contributions to your Church (tithing) or to other good non-profits doing things that the Government should not do but will be doing more and more.  Using Trumps favorite word, this is a Disaster.

This tax law change will lead to devastating consequences that can economically destroy already weakened faith based institutions – while at the same time strengthening an ever more powerful Government that will step in the gap and be asked to do what the bankrupted churches and non profit organizations used to do.  Maybe even get your vote for doing so. 

It’s a basic tenet of Marxism to have only one God and that one God you shall trust is not the God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus Christ. It’s not even Buddha or Muhammad. It’s the Government.

Thank you Donald Trump. Or, should I say his Treasury Chief Steven Mnuchen, selected by the Donald, who helped develop the rules under the guise of helping the IRS so they would not have to sift through all those itemized donations.  

You see, with people taking legitimate donations that must be reviewed and verified it gets really hard to do all that more important IRS work targeting political enemies.   So, with all the backlog because of the insanity of the United States tax laws, IRS staff went on Covid vacations and then turned off the phone and pushed legislation under guise of a tax cut to kill faith based organizations already hurting.  

And, that’s what convinced Trump to move forward on the “tax reform”. Kind of shortsighted.

It’s hard to fathom how Trump could miss the ulterior motives of Mnuchin and the Deep State. But on this one, maybe most far reaching Deep State success other than Warp Speed, I believe he did.

It’s just one of the many little steps over a long march that brings in Communism.

What to do?

Until this egregious law is changed, keep giving, especially to your Churches and legitimate anti-resetting organizations. 

When you get a request of money for faith based or good nonprofit organizations in the mail, instead of or in lieu of just sending the cash, add a note to educate them about why their donations have taken a hit since 2018.    Tell them to contact their Congressman to reduce the standard deduction back to pre-2018 levels because in times like these, we need to encourage people to donate to good conservative causes. 

The Trump/Mnuchin Tax Act does exactly the reverse.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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The Big Question Remains

2024 Introduction. This article was written in 2022. The answer to the Big Question is panning out slowly.We will know the answer if we have an honest election in 2024.   But we must remember that History teaches us that people in power,possibly by illegal and criminally corrupt means, will do anything to stay in power. 

by Garcia de Malones

Now that the battlelines have been drawn, essentially splitting the country into two distinct factions (e.g. no middle ground, see American Poem), this is the Big Question facing all of us….

What happens to a country when half of its people hate it because it’s Capitalist and Godly and the other half hate it because it’s Marxist and Godless? 

L. Mandrake

This is the one political question that defines today’s America. It must and will be answered soon enough, but the answer is not going to be a happy ending for either side.

Is one side right and the other wrong? In my opinion, yes. But first, I don’t want to let my side off so easily. We have fallen away from God and worshipped the idols of the American Dream. Nothing wrong with that Dream, so long as it does not rule one’s life and that is where we have fallen down.

Capitalism has fallen into the final destructive disarray of death throes claimed by Marxists for over a hundred years. The Marxists, correctly I might add, said all along that greed will drive business decisions to the point of a kind of Capitalistic Dictatorship of self destruction.

“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”

― Vladimir Ilich Lenin

Our capitalist dictatorship as promoted worldwide through organizations like WEF, has ruined lives through cancellation. Cancellation of ideas. Cancellation of jobs. Cancellation of human beings.

Corporate America has fallen into this Dictatorship Reset Mode not so much because of the personal desires of their Boards of Directors to help the world for the better. They just think they will make more money if they fall in line, even if it means being cancelled by the customers and employees they screw. Touché.

Yes, they fell in line like good Fascists because of greed, nothing less. Greed is the driving force of Capitalism. And the desire for more stuff over what really matters for long term happiness is at the heart of what ails us.

Question. What is stronger than God? More evil than Satan himself? Poor people have it and rich people want it?

Answer. Nothing.

Like it or not, the desire to grow one’s personal wealth has been the immigrant dream since our founding. Escaping from tyranny and religious persecution has always been important to the new immigrants but is secondary overall to the desire to move up the financial ladder and live the good life.

In my first Economics class at University I learned that Economics was simply the study of how human beings satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources. I don’t mean unlimited in terms of food and water for sustenance. It goes beyond the survival of animals – we humans just need a lot of stuff because we kinda get bored easy, it comes with our human condition. But it can go too far if nothing else satisfies spiritually, emotionally or mentally.

The overwhelming desire for material things and love of money has led us to our current state of affairs. Black lives matter? Nah. Convenience matters. If I am a victim as defined by my African-American culture, I will get more stuff without having to earn it. Ka-ching!

On the other side, we have people that don’t want to suffer through the excrutiating pains of helping to save America from Atheist Corporations by not going to Disneyland. Or, not shopping online even if it enriches the already insanely rich technocrats taking control of our lives while killing small businesses. Or, cancelling bank accounts with JP Morgan Chase because they have ATMs all over the place, even as they cancel people for just being free. Or, what of the “Christians” standing in lines every day at Chick fi La while the now Woke company publicly states they no longer support Christian causes? Or, having their own children take fake vaccines so they don’t have to deal with home school rather than helping to prevent experimental worldwide Genocide.

What kind of person is it that cannot even sweat the small stuff to save the country handed down to them and their families by people that fought and died in wars all over the world for religious freedom and personal liberty (while enriching Capitalists and Politicians that have always used war to jumpstart economies)?

They will know one thing when it’s too late. You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.

Liberty Once Lost is Lost Forever

John Adams

As for those Directors on the Big Boards, well, they are the same as us. They won’t stand up to tyranny because they don’t want to be cancelled themselves. They love their non-regulation regulation world of the Capitalist Dictatorship which makes it nearly impossible for small businesses to compete. Two sides of the same coin.

The Capitalist Dictatorship downside of immensely profitable and inhuman companies run by Artificial Intelligence must be inevitable because it’s main participants are fallible, narcissistic and (dare I say) sinful human beings with little humanity. And, we will happily check ourselves out at the store using their technology without discount because it is so convenient. Now, our regulating protectors from Corporate tyranny have become the instigators of the tyranny they regulate.

Capitalism Fail

How can we save ourselves from Capitalist Dictatorship? First, they must be mortally wounded monetarily.  So, don’t give woke Corporations our money or, if necessary, our labor (yes, that part is easier said than done). Secondly, and nearly as important, we must have real anti- monopolistic regulation by citizens instead or Politicians and Businesses.

When the regulators are actually the people inside the industry they regulate it is a recipe for the world we find ourselves. A world of limited choices and high prices.

In N.C. State Board of Dental Examiners v. FTC (2015), the Supreme Court held that when a board is dominated by active market participants, the harms of anticompetitive self-dealing targeted by the Sherman Act are present in full force.

Capitalism has and will always need regulation by the payers not the producers. For those economists and even my Libertarian friends that have touted the “Laissez-faire” form of Capitalism, I say to them to look where this inevitably leads: A New World Order hatched from a nearly all powerful Government Industrial complex.

The FDA (killing us and infant children with mRNA shots) and the FCC (killing us with 100 Ghz 5G radiation and forcing us to send yet more money to big tech when we must buy new smartphones every 4 years) are so in bed with their subjects as to make you want to go to sleep and wake up not in Kansas.

This article won’t get into the devious lies of the FDA since the Reset ordered Covid bioweapon was delivered via spike proteins, there is more than enough unhidden evidence of that. But when the FDA allowed pharmaceutical companies to advertise expensive and highly specialized drug treatments to consumers with ZERO medical knowledge, that means the worst has occurred – nearly 20% of America’s GDP goes directly to a healthcare system that is killing us economically and physically.

Direct-to-consumer marketing (DTCM), what you probably know as “drug commercials,” was first given the seal of approval by our chief regulator (FDA) in 1985. In all the world, only New Zealand allows this kind of direct pharma to consumer advertising. The rest of the world is sane. Not America.

I think I will go ask my Doctor to get Xcentra ™ for my occasional headache/stomach ache. But first, according to the well-endowed lady in my Xcentra ™ commercial, I must first tell him that I am pretty sure I have a thin wall depression on the lining of my small intestine. I must not forget, otherwise I might bleed to death when my Doc orders up the elixir for me.  Wait a tic.  Didn’t  Alka-Seltzer work last time?

Vinny Boom Bah

Along with a multitude of other American Healthcare sins like the 3rd leading cause of death in America is amazingly from bad surgeries and hospital infections, convincing people they are sick with imagined diseases demanding expensive tests and even more expensive drugs is one way get to the highest per capita healthcare expenses in the world. Not to mention the deliberate money driven overtreatment or undertreatment of Covid 19 that killed thousands of people just in America.

For all the hand wringing we do on the collapsing of America and the world around us, for all the alternative news sites and protests from time to time that do little more than make some of us feel temporarily better because we are doing something, nothing is being done to stop the madness. Certainly, there have been some victories here and there on the local level. But the cannonballs of Reset keep hurling towards us.

Something has to give and at some point the dead bodies of Medical and fake Climate Change induced Genocide will do it – i.e. if people awaken to the genocide of their own families before the Resetters complete their death grip of control. At that point, it will be nearly impossible to fight back. The timing of this is critical and is the one wild card that the Resetters do not have control.

Some at the top of the Reset food chain are probably beginning to get a little anxious at this point in time because if we get back power we will demand Justice for crimes against humanity and these tyrannical megalomaniacs will all pay the price. Maybe.

Capitalism is now in its death throws and we have lost control of our economy. Its affecting both sides of the American debate. Actually, there is only one side of the debate because the half of America that are still children (mentally) and went to College or graduated from government schools in the last 30 years won’t debate anybody….on anything.

This gets me to the answer to the Big Question. It’s going to be a battle of the ages between the irresistible force of people bound by nothing (Atheists) and the immovable object of people that answer to a higher being (Believers).

Just saying no to tyranny will ultimately lead to Nov 3 Insurrection Govt Police pointing a gun at you. So, yes, there will be blood and martial law which leads to more blood and maybe another fake election in November.  At some point that may awaken sleeping Oathkeepers all over America.

If America and its Constitution survives, we will have our own, long overdue reset.  We willContinue reading “The Big Question Remains”

This Guy went to Jail for Loving his Country

Introduction.  Dinesh D’Souza, thankfully out of the dissident jail of an installed regime, has just directed a documentary called The Police State.   It is sad that we have come to this, but we have.  Maybe there was no alternative to our current situation given our natures of liking warm water, gradually rising to boiling. But here we are.   

Dinesh started making films in 2014 with America: Imagine the World without Her.  Then on to  Hillary and the Clintons in 2016, which got him in boiling water.   Thank God he escaped and still fights on our behalf for what’s left of a country that has lost its grip. 

If you are so inclined, buy the Police State film and support this modern day Washington of a man here. 

In the meantime here is a review I did on America which began the career of a great imported American. 

August 20, 2020

I occasionally review movies and when Dinesh D’Souza came out with America: Imagine the World Without Her (2014), I did a review on IMDB (Internet Movie Database).  The film should be reviewed objectively in schools, at least to present a view other than how our country needs to be razed and started anew.   Of course, this will never happen unless our Public Education program of Leftist indoctrination is smashed and burned and placed in the ash heap of history.    

Looking back 6 years later, our Public schools have not changed.  They have even doubled down with their Hate America Campaign and plan on implementing the 1619 project.   PTAs, where are you?   Even scarier is that many of the kids growing up in 2014 when this movie came out are about to vote in November.   

Here is the review……

OK – reading some of the negative reviews here made me write a counter attack, because that is what a reasonable person does who does not despise their country. The negative comments from several reviewers (which is pretty hard to fathom for any documentary) are politically motivated, and appear to come from a deep seated Hatred of America which you can viscerally feel from their words. This requires rebuttal.

My God, did these people even see the movie? My local paper – the AJC – has a “D” rating (nearly the lowest rating of 20+ movies reviewed for the July 4 weekend) yet had absolutely nothing to say that disputes anything presented in the film. They just have to fight their anti-US narrative to the death. And, I am tired of having to apologize to these people on the Left when I say they are not Patriotic – well, this film is (using Obama’s words) really a line in the sand – if you hate this movie you cannot be a Patriot. End of argument, end of story.

The movie has its technical issues, but the overall GOOD message about our country strikes deeply at the heart of the Left’s New History of America. Their New History has been the basis of our kid’s curriculum since the 1960s and continues unabated. Some here refer to D’Souzas views as “revisionist”, a completely backwards take on our true historical past which is INFINITELY better and more Moral than ANY OTHER CIVILIZATION IN HISTORY. That is the primary and very clear message of the movie.

As Dinesh so clearly shows, we are the only Nation whose wealth was not, nor ever has been, from the spoils of Conquest that was the norm of human history for thousands of years. Wealth is created internally and comes directly to people that earn it. American wealth is from Liberty granted to us by our Constitution – Liberty from Tyrannical Govt rule (think IRS Gestapo) – and the entrepreneurship of people that receive money VOLUNTARILY for goods and services. This is the great new “idea” of America that Bono speaks of in the film, in a very moving speech. No reviewer here, or any from the political Left, can argue against this source of greatness and why Mexican Americans do not cross to the South. The documentary also lays out a very strong case that the Left’s brainwashing come from public education and the re- writing of our history to give successful people a sense of shame – and a sense of entitlement by the folks that either can’t make it or won’t make it.

It is really sad what has been done to young minds for the promotion of the Atheist state of Saul Alinsky, another major topic of the film. You have to see the movie to understand what has been going on and why so many have come to despise this country. Since it is so hard to argue for a world without America (and American Capitalism), the only possible explanation for being against America appears to arise from jealousy – jealousy from individuals or particular groups that just can’t cut it – but still (in Biblical terms) covet all the stuff. So they want to transform Govt into Tyranny on their behalf so they can just take wealth from the folks that have made it. And the Left claims America herself is a thief?? Please.

I truly hope that this film can be the start of a new era in historically accurate education in American history – tho it may be too late. Yes, you CAN make it with work, perseverance and education. Dinesh proves beyond doubt there is no better place in the world that you want to be and that the good ‘Old USA needs no remaking from a Leftist President.

As you may recall, shortly after the movie was released, Obama’s administration used it’s power to destroy the man who made the movie about the Goodness of America and was critical about President Obama (free speech anyone?).   Obama’s people found out that Dinesh donated money beyond the arbitrary legal limits to a political friend.  If anybody does that sort of thing, which probably happens every day by unsuspecting people, they may get a small fine and be charged with a misdemeanor offence.  Obama wanted him in jail, and that is where he went for 8 months (actually a halfway house, but was locked down, so that’s jail).    The Judge at his trial (Richard Berman) didn’t seem to think the Government went after him for political reasons.    

But, the unflappable Dinesh had the last laugh on the Hate filled community organizer Barack Hussein Obama:  https://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/conservative-filmmaker-released-from-his-sentence/

I am working on a new documentary – Obama:  Imagine the World Without Him.   I have no news on the release date.   

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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The Sears Christmas Catalog

I was lucky enough to have two things going for me as I was growing up:  (1) I was raised in Chicago in the 1960s (no better place for a kid, but alas times change) and (2) My Dad worked for Sears and got great employee discounts which made Christmas even more fun – at least in the good years.

Chicago in the 1960s meant all day field trips from school to some of the coolest places on the planet, at least from a young boy’s perspective.   Places like the Museum of Science and Industry with all those buttons to push and make things go.   Not to mention the underground coal mine and a German U-Boat.

Chicago was also home to Bozo the Clown and the Riverview Amusement Park near the Chicago River.   It died in 1967 like so many of the old amusement parks, a result of gangs and crime in and around the park which (unlike Disneyland) had no admission charge. 

Although you likely didn’t live in Chicago at that time, one thing I can say for sure is that if you were a kld in the 1960s at one time or another you got your hands on the Sears Christmas Catalog.  And, hopefully the catalog arrived a few weeks before Christmas so you could sit on the living room floor and mark your favorites (not so surreptitiously) so your parents would know – or pass along to the guy with the white beard at the Department Store.

In the catalog was nothing less than the lives and dreams of boys and girls during a time when America seemed a little more innocent and more in control of itself, if only the visible part that kids see.

You either got the Christmas Catalog in the stores (of course, you had a Sears store in your town) or in the mail.   Now, if you can find one of these old catalogs, they go for good money.   Why?   It could well be the ultimate source of good times nostalgia for us baby boomers.

So, without further ado, I give you a few trips down memory lane, from the eyes of an old kid:

I did have sisters ……


Yes, a different time, a different place.

Which ones did you mark in the catalog?

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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The Song of our Time (1966)

I’ve been brainwashed
I’ve been brainwashed

I woke up one morning and I took a look around
Found myself sleeping in the city dog pound
Told myself this just can’t be
In the home of the brave and the land of the free
I finally found my voice and I began to shout
I got to got to tell you what it’s all about

I’ve been brainwashed

Now it pours from my papers from my radio
Telling me what to do and which way to go
White knight charging down at me with a lance
Drives in my belly I don’t stand a chance
Stem the over population take a walk in outer space
I got to got to tell you what we all got to face

We’ve been brainwashed

Down with the hangman
Rather fight than switch
Public insulation gotta know which is which
We won ourselves a victory the casualties were light
Judging by the news machine it ain’t much of a fight
60 million people reading all about Viet Nam
85 percent of them don’t give a damn

They’ve been brainwashed
They’ve been brainwashed

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Why RFK Jr will Save America from Tyranny


Maybe you are reading this because you see little hope for the survival of the America you grew up with, even with its failings.  You are looking for solutions to the Orwellian world you find yourself in which is coming at you like a freight train.    You want to live and die in a world based on freedom and liberty.  Maybe more importantly, you want your loved ones to survive in that world as well.   All of that can still happen, but only if Good People do the Right Stuff. 


We can thank the Great Resetters that are allowing us to not only keep our little shared storehouse of information called the Internet but haven’t even tried to hide their agenda.  That could change quickly.  Still, that’s really odd, isn’t it?   

And that proved to me that we are no longer living in Kansas. 

We are facing pure evil, Satan himself, because only Satan requires humans to choose evil voluntarily knowing full well we are selling our souls as part of the deal.   And his Evil agenda’s main purpose is no less than human slavery for whatever survivors remain after they do what is necessary to gain control of a much smaller, financially manageable population.   

The people at the Resetting top have literally traded their souls for immeasurable wealth and power that no man has seen since the beginning of time.   

They want you to follow suit, but without all the stuff.   If you don’t believe in God, I hope you are at least considering this undercurrent.

Even if you are not a believer, and think we are simply witness to people going bad as people have for millennia, I am betting it’s still not a world you want to be in.  Unless, like Winston Smith,  you now believe 2+2=5.

So on that happy note, I want to say as emphatically as I can that, with God’s help, we can stop them utterly and completely with tools that we still possess.  Many people, maybe including you, don’t think it’s possible.  It is.  But only if we do what is necessary on a massive scale.

The Meat of the Matter – Evil Incarnate

The Resetters main agenda at this stage focusses on using Healthcare and Economics to bring in total control of the masses to a manageable few in order to avoid a worldwide revolution ala the Robespierre thrashing in 1789.   

They will do anything in their power, already immense and with Satan’s help, to avoid that sort of Final Solution.    

This article will address two of the three (1) biggest immediate and short term problems we now face as a country, both being effects of a totalitarian world government which is now in progress.  I believe both are solvable, in part, by electing RFK Jr as POTUS. 

Here they are:

    1. Healthocracy
    2. Corporate Fascism

Part 1 will deal with Healthocracy – exposing the leading causes of our “in progress” genocide via planned pandemics which result in instant death, delayed death and minimizing live births.  

Part 2 will discuss Corporate Fascism – how the Government owned Stock market has been used to bring ESG “Wokism” to Corporations all over the world (causing us to go Woke, or else) and what we can do to stop that.


In 2020, human beings the world over were given a subjugation test, directed by “health experts” chosen by the Government and promoted by the legacy media ad infinitum.   The subjugation test involved doing insane things like believing and doing whatever the MSM said about a deployed health crisis.  

We said nearly nothing to the censorship of world renowned Doctors who disagreed with the much less qualified MSM and government “experts”.   Congress did nothing then and are still dancing around the censorship issue while the perpetraitors are either still government employees or have retired with large pensions.

We took experimental GMO treatments for a “disease” of questionable origin and existence with a 99% + survival rate for all age groups using conventional treatments later shunned for even more insane reasons. 

We jabbed ourselves with undeclared substances (including Plasma DNA that can increase Cancer risk) to keep our jobs instead of saying NO in massive numbers that would have forced companies to eliminate edicts or go out of business.

We required our agents of Defense (e.g. US Military) to get injected, boosted or fired.

Worst of all, we even had our 5 year olds and pregnant moms jabbed.  

And thanks to Trump, for the first time in world history, we closed our businesses and even our Places of Worship.  For a crisis that a child could recognize never existed.  

Shame on us for being such intellectually lazy cowards!

We failed their test miserably and did exactly as the MSM told us, parroting and exaggerating what our Government was telling us about protecting “others” in the name of healthcare Altruism.  

Key Takeaway:  The Resetters learned that laws, edicts and other methods of political control (even revolution) don’t hold a candle to using the power of suggestion to make people think they might die from an invisible enemy to get what they want (even in the face of easily refutable statistics hidden undercover but still visible).  

Human narcissism in a more and more Godless world gives that model of control a supercharger.

So, with humanity’s flat our failure to use common sense and reason, it’s full steam ahead using WHO/United Nations at the top of the new Healthocracy to dictate through edicts and International Treaties how we will be allowed to “live” during the next unleashed Psyop based pathogen at their disposal.

How this was accomplished will be a lesson for the ages but it starts and stops with the Legacy MSM in America. 

Without the MSM operating in total concert around the world though an allegiance to the “Trusted News Initiative” I submit that none of this would have happened. 

The Answer

We have to cross the aisle and vote for RFK Jr.   

He is the only man living anywhere in the world at this time in history to stop the madness by going right through our primary enemy – the American Legacy Media. 

He is literally our only hope to resolve the crises looming ahead and kill dead in its tracks not only the looming Healthocracy but other aspects of Resetting tyranny,  including Civil War or Secession in America that ushers in Martial Law.

Mr. Kennedy may be the only way out of our fall into the abyss of WHO treaties and the Healthocracy that awaits us and will take away your personal Liberty and, worse, take years off your life by forceful “treatment” of man-made pandemics ready for deployment. 

You and I are living in the most critical time in human history.   I believe RFK’s time is God given because, absent the dissolution of the MSM trust and racket, only someone like RFK can talk above the room like Reagan did.  Like it or not, Trumps good at the talk but half of America won’t listen to the man, especially with so many utterly brainwashed into thinking he is more criminal than the Biden syndicate.

The evil incarnate American legacy MSM cannot stop him no matter how hard they try the censor game.  RFKs name and stature as a member of America’s Royal Family (at least for the Liberals) will be impossible to ignore. 

RFK will be able to do two things that nobody else can do. 

First, his campaign will begin the process to get the death grip of Communism out of the Democrat Party (and our institutions). Communism has always been anathema to the classical Liberalism that used to direct the policies and platforms of the Democrat Party.

By doing that alone he will – even running as an ‘independent” – save the Democrat Party (and us in the process) from the infiltraitors who have promoted Healthocracy in America that began decades ago and is now nearly 20% of what’s left of our declining economy.

Then, he will be able to expose the Pharma connection to worldwide genocide like nobody else. 

RFK literally “wrote the book” on Fauci and his plan for turning the world into a Death Star back in the 1980s when Fauci was involved with AIDS and it’s treatments, which never worked outside of abstinence.  

He will be able to start the divorce between Congress and Pharma and kill the insane pharmaceutical ads to consumers who know nothing about epidemiology or differential diagnosis but are expected to advise their Doctor based on an ad they saw on TV convincing them they have a nearly incurable disease with no other solution.

Secondly, he will immediately stop all deadly MRNA treatments and boosters and prevent Pharma from ever attempting to eliminate access to public health records during trial phases of any medical product be it vaccines or pharmaceutical medicines.   

Under an RFK administration, it is very likely that future vaccines will undergo immediate and stringent new standards of practice before going to market to determine if they are actually going to work.    

He may even reduce or eliminate the money out of the Big Pharma lobbyist hands because of the massive conflict of interest that puts America at the top of the heap by a long mile for healthcare expenditures per capita worldwide. 

WHO/UN treaties will not prempt American sovereignty.  That means in the most Orwellian lingo imaginable,  no CDC green-zone camps for “humanitarian” reasons.  And, no guns at the NIH to enforce WHO mandated restrictions on people for the “greater benefit of humanity”, mainly at the WEF.

He will also be the most formidable power against the Deep State.   A Deep State that, under Merrick Garland, has called Christian parents terrorists for decrying brainwashing of little children in government schools into hating one another.  Or, declaring that over half of America are the most dangerous enemy our country has ever faced.   

The FBI and CIA were involved in these attacks.  RFK knows like nobody else what these evil organizations can do, like assassinate his family.    Who else has the courage to remake these evil and tyrannical organizations?

His campaign will open a floodgate of information on the Gates Schwab Genocide that even our sleepyhead Americans, Judiciary and even MSM won’t be able to ignore. 

So I say Bravo to Mr. Kennedy and  his courage for standing tall against the Satanic evil in our midst.   That means he has now replaced Trump as Public Enemy #1 for what he may do to the Leftists controlling the Democrat Party in America. 

Thanks to God for giving us this man at this time. And, one more chance to save our wretched country.

Donald J Trump

As a Trump voter in 2016 and 2020 its hard for me to say what follows.

It’s natural for people to support the underdog.  And who fits that description better than an ex-POTUS that also happens to be the leading candidate in the GOP against an installed regime that is about to go to jail for 200 years as the ultimate Political Dissident.  A Dissident against Globalism, like Bolonsaro.  I get it.  But, please hear me out.

Trump, even for all his triumphs, inadvertently strengthened the Healthocratic Deep State Complex through Operation Warp Speed and his biggest personal failing – an ego easily manipulated to select the wrong people.  People like Chairman of Joint Chiefs Mark Milley (a Marxist that allowed Chinese balloons to stream live pictures to China until he stopped them, after they were done), Christopher Wray, Bob Barr, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Steve Mnuchin, etal.  

Yes, Trump may do some of the things RFK is planning but he won’t be as effective.  Worse, the price is too high.

I don’t believe Trump will work as hard as RFK against WHO or, just as important, our medical establishment that represents nearly 20% of our economy.  Trump is a money driven man and is easily convinced of doing the opposite of anything that hurts “the economy”.  If our overpaid and oversized Healthocracy in America suffers, Trump will not do what is painfully needed to do like Kennedy will. 

And, for God’s sake Mr. Trump.   Just as Al Gore did not invent the Internet, you sure as hell didn’t save millions of lives and even cure cancer with “Operation Warp Speed”. 

Blood in the Streets

But here is an adverse reaction even more dangerous than with his “Vaccine”. It’s the 2024 Elephant in the Room. 

If Trump is elected, which I would not have a problem with politically, it will result in the most bloody unrest in America since reconstruction. Or, even a new Civil War, Secession of both.  If we are to avoid these extremes and the violence that follows, Trumps election would be the hammer on the primer.  

I have looked at our world from 10 miles high.  I see only one safe future and that is to get the Communists out of a party that half of America belongs, even in ignorance.   Trump cannot do that.  Desantis cannot do that.   Pence?  LOL.

Only a true classical Liberal with monumental “gravitas” like Kennedy, the backbone of a once decent and Patriotic Party, can save America of the totalitairan extremists ruling the Democrats – and us. 

If you are honest with yourself, even as a Democrat, and see the evil in the Communist Infiltration destroying everything America once stood for (not perfect, but still the best) you know I am right. 

My Castor Oil

I disagree with RFK intensely on some big issues, but I still need the medicine.

He is wrong on Affirmative Action.  He is wrong on Abortion.  He is wrong on Climate mumbo-jumbo (but does not want to force nutty environmental rules on anyone). He is wrong on student debt that pays for the brainwashing of our kids. 

But he is right on the Healthocracy.  He is also right on eliminating politics in Corporations.   Unlike the New Democrat Party he is also right on closing the Border, First Amendment,  Second Amendment and the Constitution as Supreme Law of the Land. And that’s good enough for me as the political and National saviour we need to prevent Armageddon.

I am voting for RFK not so much for my agreement with him on some of his politics, which may in some respects even be abhorrent to a Conservative, but for the literal survival and peace of this Nation. 

We cannot have the Communists rule not only our institutions but a political party representing half of ignorant Americans whose decisions in the White House, mainly by Executive Order, will put us in a forever Tyranny.

Cross the Aisle

If we can help RFK Jr win and usurp the great Pudding eater puppet of Barack Obama, our nation can start on a track to rid our Nation of the Totalitarian Communists in control since our Day of Infamy – November 3, 2020.  

Let’s put him in office and see what he can do.

If he does not win, at least his campaign will expose the agenda like nothing that has ever happened in America.  If he fails to win the Presidency, it won’t be so bad and we have started the ball rolling to redo the Democrat Party in America into a Constitutional Party. 

But I would stock up on food and ammo.

So, there it is in the best way I can put it.  I may not have the perfect argument, but if you can put away your biases and see the big picture, the most important picture for you and your loved ones, then as I promised at the beginning – there is a solution.  

The only solution

Please copy this article and send it to everyone you know that is even the least bit Libertarian and especially to Trump Supporters.  We need to get RFK Jr on the ballot and nominated before our last chance to save America from bloodshed and tyranny is gone.

(1) Time is of the Essense

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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